GTA Strategies Joins Aero Future Canada on Successful Business Excursion to China

GTA Strategies Joins Aero Future Canada on Successful Business Excursion to China

Pictured (left to right): Jeremy Beamer, Judy Xie and Jim Karygiannis.

SCARBOROUGH – This past week, representatives from consulting firm GTA Strategies accompanied Aero Future Canada president Judy Xie to China to meet with manufacturers of commercial and industrial-grade drones, with the goal of importing them to Canada.

In Guangzhou City, the group, led by GTA Strategies principals Hon. Jim Karygiannis and Jeremy Beamer, met with senior staff of the Consul General of Canada in Guangzhou to discuss Aero Future Canada’s program. They also visited a testing site for a demonstration of a two-person passenger model.

Later, the group travelled to Hunan Province to meet with manufacturing officials, and witness a test of their forest firefighting design. Similar models can be used to transport large quantities of goods into remote regions of the country, without the need for an onboard pilot.

“This kind of technology can be used in any number of industries”, stated Xie. “First responders, health care, shipping, mining, supplying First Nations communities – the list is endless.” Beamer added, “I grew up watching things like The Jetsons, and wondering if such things would ever be possible. Now I’ve seen this technology with my own eyes, and I know that Canada has the potential to be a worldwide leader in developing these drones further.”

Aero Future Fire Fighting Drone

Aero Future Passenger Drone Flight

GTA Strategies 携手 Aero Future Canada


        士嘉堡——上周,咨询公司 GTA Strategies 的代表陪同 Aero Future Canada 总裁 Judy Xie 前往中国,与制造工商业用途的无人机商家会面,目标是将其进口到加拿大

            在广州市, GTA Strategies 负责人 尊敬的詹嘉礼先生和 Jeremy Beamer先生领导的小组会见了加拿大驻广州总领事馆的高级官员,并讨论了Aero Future Canada方案。他们还参观了双人客运无人机机型演示的测试场地


        这种技术可以应用于任何的行业谢总裁说。紧急救护、医疗保健、航运、采矿、为原住民社区供货等等的领域, 都可以发挥无人机的无限力量。 Beamer先生补充道:我是看着《杰森一家》这样的电视长大的,十分想知道像这样的事情是否可能实现。现在我亲眼目睹了这项技术,我知道加拿大有潜力进行进一步开发,并成为这些无人机的全球领导者。

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